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All the tools you need for a simpler gluten-free journey, brought to you by a celiac disease advocate who understands and cares about the challenges you face.

  • icon-lets-eat

    Reduce the Stress of Eating Out

    The Gluten Dude app is the ONLY APP that vets restaurants before they get listed, so you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying yourself. No fast food or large chain restaurants listed. Our goal is not more options but SAFER options.

  • icon-lets-save

    Save Money on Gluten-free Food

    Quality gluten-free food is expensive and hard to find. The Gluten Dude app lists over 140 online companies that ship, with coupons to over 50 of them, so you can discover new products, support small businesses and save money at the same time.

  • icon-lets-support

    Get Advice from Others in Your Shoes

    Getting diagnosed with celiac disease is overwhelming and leads to a lot of questions. The Gluten Dude app has answers to your questions so you can make an easier transition to a gluten-free life. Now includes GF options at hotels, vacation spots,  stadiums/arenas and more.

  • icon-lets-fly

    Find Gluten-free Options at Airports

    Traveling with celiac disease is a challenge to say the least. Finding GF food at airports just adds to that stress. The Gluten Dude app has over 100 international airports and the GF options at each so you won't fly hungry anymore.

  • icon-lets-connect

    Make Connections

    Celiac can be a lonely and misunderstood disease. The Gluten Dude app allows you to privately connect with others who have celiac disease, so you can make new friends and become part of a community of people who “get it”.

  • icon-lets-drink

    Locate Gluten-Free Beer

    True gluten-free beer is hard to find. The Gluten Dude app lists over 17,000 stores, bars and restaurants that have gluten-free beer so you can spend less time trying to find beer and more time enjoying it.