
Gluten-free just got easier!

Find gluten-free restaurants. Save money when buying from online GF companies. Locate gluten-free beer. Make connections. Get answers to your questions. All in one app.

"I have been suffering my entire life. I am 56 years old. I am working very hard to follow a gluten-free diet and it has been very hard. Thank you for this remarkable resource!!!"

Download the Gluten Dude app and immediately...

  • Reduce the Stress of Eating Out

    We all know what a pain in the butt it can be to find a "safe" restaurant. The Gluten Dude app lists only establishments that are either 100% GF or have been recommended by someone in the GF community and have been vetted by the Gluten Dude team. NO fast food or large chain restaurants listed. Why? Tons of risk. Way too many variable. Very little reward.

  • Find New Products & Save Money

    Quality gluten-free food is expensive and hard to find. The Gluten Dude app lists over 140 online companies that ship, with coupons to over 40 of them, so you can discover new products, support small businesses and save money at the same time.

  • Get Your Questions Answered

    Getting diagnosed with celiac disease is overwhelming and leads to a lot of questions. The Gluten Dude app has answers to your questions so you can make an easier transition to a gluten-free life.

  • Make Connections

    Celiac can be a lonely and misunderstood disease. The Gluten Dude app allows you to privately connect with others who have celiac disease, so you can make new friends and become part of a community of people who “get it”.

  • Locate Gluten-Free Beer

    True gluten-free beer is hard to find. The Gluten Dude app lists over 16,000 stores, bars and restaurants that have gluten-free beer so you can spend less time trying to find beer and more time enjoying it.

  • Eat Safely at Airports (coming soon!!)

    We all know what a pain traveling gluten-free can be. The Gluten Dude will list hundreds of international airports and the GF options at each. No need to fly hungry.

App Testimonials

Let's Eat

The Challenge
Finding safe places to eat.

The Solution
A directory of both 100% GF restaurants/bakeries and restaurants that are not 100% GF but have been recommended by the celiac community and personally vetted by the Gluten Dude team, with a focus on quality, not quantity. And no fast food joints.

help finding gluten free restaurants
GF restaurant directory
celiac safe restaurants

Let's Order

The Challenge
Discovering online GF companies and finding coupons when placing your order.

The Solution
Did you know there are over 140 gluten-free companies that you can order from online and that will ship right to your doorstep? Everything from pasta to cookies to mixes to breads to cakes to muffins and more! The GD App has a directory of every one of these online companies, with a description of who they are and what they sell, and a direct link to their online store.

online gluten free companies

Let's Discuss

The Challenge
Getting the right answers to your questions.

The Solution
A forum where discussion is encouraged but fear-mongering and misinformation will not be. The internet is littered with falsehoods and dangerous information regarding celiac disease. You deserve to get honest answers from those who have been in your shoes.

iphone app for celiac disease

Let's Connect

The Challenge
Isolation and feeling like you're alone in your gluten-free journey.

The Solution
Live chat. The app will connect you with others in the celiac/GF community, allowing one on one private chats. You’ll even have the option of providing your zip code, allowing people to search for others by location. People can connect when they’re traveling to a new town and get local help, but also they can make new friends in their own area, plan GF play-dates with other parents of GF kids, etc. There is also the option to block users from contacting you if you wish.

celiac mobile chat

Let's Drink

The Challenge
Locating gluten-free beer.

The Solution
Beer, sadly, is not gluten-free. The most popular "gluten-free" beers on the market today are actually "gluten-removed" and are not safe to drink. There are a handful of amazing 100% gluten-free beers out there, but they can be difficult to find. The Gluten Dude app shows more than 16,000 stores, bars and restaurants where you can purchase gluten-free beer.

find gluten free beer

Let's Fly (Coming Fall 2022)

The Challenge
Finding gluten-free options at the airport.

The Solution
A directory of the most traveled airports in the world, with a list of eating establishments and GF options at each one. There's no need to fly the friendly skies hungry.



Who is Gluten Dude?

Good question. I'm a passionate and very outspoken celiac disease advocate. I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008 and I launched my blog in 2011. In the ten years since, I've written over 700 articles, received over 33,000 comments and the site has been visited over 9 million times.

I've helped a lot of people along the way, both publicly and privately, and this app is another way to serve the GF community. I've got a wonderful, spirited following on my blog and on social media.

Oh...and I wrote a book, which is available on Amazon.

What they say about Gluten Dude...