
Who is Gluten Dude? A Trusted and Passionate Celiac Advocate Since 2011

Diagnosed in 2007 and a passionate celiac advocate since 2011, I didn’t find freedom, a better life or any of that other crap when I got diagnosed. With all due respect to Hunter S. Thompson, I found fear and loathing of an unknown world. I created this app to make that unknown world a bit easier for the celiac community.

gluten dude

From Diagnosis to Dedication: The Journey Behind the Gluten Dude App and My Mission for Celiac Advocacy

I'm Gluten Dude, a passionate celiac advocate with over a decade of experience raising awareness and providing support for those living with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

My real name? Scott Hayes. Husband of Mrs. Dude and proud father of my two amazing Dudettes.

A few frustrating years after my celiac diagnosis in 2007, I knew I had to use my background in marketing/technology and my ability to connect with people to make a difference in the gluten-free community. Through blogging and other various advocacy efforts, I've been fortunate enough to become a trusted voice within the celiac community.

My personal struggles with dining out safely, and my frustration with other crowdsourced apps, inspired me to create the Gluten Dude app in 2021.

I recognized the need for a resource that goes beyond crowdsourced listings and one that prioritizes safety and quality for the celiac community.

By personally vetting each restaurant in the app, I've ensured that the highest standards for gluten-free dining are met, making it a unique and essential tool for those navigating a gluten-free lifestyle.

My commitment to advocacy and helping others is at the heart of the Gluten Dude app, and I'm dedicated to making life a little easier for those living with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

If you ever have any questions, you can always email me at scott@glutendude.app or text me at (929) 431-0035.

mrs dude

Kind Words from the Celiac Community

Where I've been, what I've done, where I'm going...


My stomach always hurts. I'm constantly exhausted. I lose 12 pounds on an already slim frame. I finally listen to Mrs. Dude and go the doc.

October 2007

I show the doc my food journal. I describe my symptoms. I get diagnosed with celiac disease.


I weep uncontrollably.

January 2011

The Giants beat the previously undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl. (Sure it has nothing to do with celiac disease, but that was AWESOME! 🙂 )

October 2011

Gluten Dude is born and a blog is launched.

October 2011 - March 2012

My blog gets zero traction and I weep uncontrollably again.

March 2012

I write my first of several Kardashian blog posts and it gets some attention. There's hope!

July 2012

Mark Cuban shares one of my blog posts. Seriously.

October 2012

I suggest the celiac community stop eating gluten-free foods. The reaction was...mixed. It's got 504 comments and counting.

May 2013

I start a petition to get Disney to remove a show where they bully a gluten-free child. Disney actually pulls the episode.

May - June 2013

The story gets picked up nationally and I get hate mail. Lots and lots of hate mail. 

February 2013

I write my first of many Gluten-Free Love Stories that people in the community send to me. This still brings me joy.

May 2014

I write 30 blog posts in 30 days. For the first and last time.

July 2014

Mrs. Dude, my amazing soulmate, gets diagnosed with breast cancer. 

January 2015

I hesitantly start another petition to change a Super Bowl ad that insinuates gluten-free people are weak. They actually change the ad before it airs.

January - March 2015

After this one also gets picked up nationally, I get non-stop messages of hate, threats of violence and invitations to leave the country. It was brutal. 

March 2015

I am invited to GM headquarters in Minnesota to get a first look at how they make their upcoming "gluten-free" Cheerios. I did not enjoy it. And soon I announced I did not think they were safe for those with celiac disease.

April - September 2015

Lots of reports of celiacs getting sick eating Cheerios. I reach out to the company and they take no responsibility. I know...shocker.

May 2015

I launch my Faces of Celiac disease to help raise awareness and to share your thoughts of living with celiac disease.

October 2015

1.8 million boxes of Gluten-Free Cheerios get recalled due to 1) error; 2) negligence; and 3) lack of proper testing.

July 2017

I self-publish my book: From Crappy to Happy: The Naked Truth About Living With Celiac Disease. It's a hit. And still available on Amazon.

January 2018

Party City runs a national ad that calls people who eat gluten-free GROSS. Not cool. So I wrote a poem to them.

June 2019

After much consideration, I decide to create a mobile app for the celiac community. This is the beginning of a loooong journey.


The pandemic. Nuff said.

October 2020

The beta version of my app is launched. With the pandemic going full-force and wanting to make some improvements, no announcement is made.


The Gluten Dude app is officially launched, my new blog gets built and (praying) the pandemic comes to an end (please!!)

December 2024

I celebrate my 13th year as a celiac advocate. The Gluten Dude app continues to grow as we add more features that have been requested by the celiac community. Currently over 13,600 restaurants and counting.

...to be continued

Download the app today and discover why people trust Gluten Dude.

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Tons more 100% gluten-free AND Dude-vetted restaurants around the world on the Gluten Dude app. New restaurants added every day.