
Help Us Improve Gluten Dude & Get a Special Thank You

Your opinion matters! As a one time user of our app, your thoughts and experiences are crucial in helping us improve and deliver the best possible experience for people living with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Together, let's make the Gluten Dude app an even more valuable resource for gluten-free living. Thank you for your support and participation! Oh...and as a thank you, participants will receive an exclusive offer at the end of the survey. 

1) How did you first hear about the Gluten Dude app?*

1) How did you first hear about the Gluten Dude app?*

2) What was your main reason for downloading the app?*

2) What was your main reason for downloading the app?*

3) Did the app meet your expectations? Why or why not?*

3) Did the app meet your expectations? Why or why not?*

4) Did you find the following features useful or not useful?*

4) Did you find the following features useful or not useful?*

Not Useful
Somewhat Useful
Very Useful
Let's Eat (restaurant directory)
Let's Fly (airport directory)
Let's Save (coupons to GF companies)
Let's Drink (beer directory)
Let's Share (forum)
Let's Connect (private chat)

5) What features were you expecting or hoping for but did not find?*

5) What features were you expecting or hoping for but did not find?*

6) On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the app’s ease of use?*

6) On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the app’s ease of use?*

7) If you decided not to subscribe or cancelled your subscription, can you share why? (check all that apply)*

7) If you decided not to subscribe or cancelled your subscription, can you share why? (check all that apply)*

8) Based on your experience, what improvements would you suggest for the app?*

8) Based on your experience, what improvements would you suggest for the app?*

9) How likely are you to recommend the Gluten Dude app to a friend or family member? (0-10 scale)*

9) How likely are you to recommend the Gluten Dude app to a friend or family member? (0-10 scale)*

10) Do you have any additional comments or feedback for us?*

10) Do you have any additional comments or feedback for us?*