Payment confirmed. Welcome to the community!
Thanks for purchasing a lifetime subscription to the Gluten Dude app. We're happy to have you on board. We will notify you via email as soon as you are entered in our system (usually within hours but can take longer depending on the volume) and send you the simple instructions on getting set up with the lifetime access. Any questions, you can email me directly at or text me at (929) 431-0035.
If you do not receive the email in a timely manner, please check your spam folder. It may also help to whitelist Thanks again and see you on the app!
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A Game Changer
I can’t even begin to describe how much I appreciate this app. So many people on random website say things are “safely gluten free,” even with shared fryers and other decidedly unsafe practices. The care Gluten Dude puts in to separating 100% GF/celiac-safe recommendations vs places that take precautions but are shared is a game changer. Well worth the money and a GREAT way to explore GF destinations around the world!
Only Gluten Dude...
New Benefits Coming Spring 2025...
We are rebuilding the app and the new release will include these highly requested (and awesome) features: